Essential Japanese Phrases for Getting Around
Japan, boasts an extensive and efficient transportation system that might initially appear complex. However, with these key Japanese phrases & Google Maps, you'll navigate it like a pro.
Starting Conversations and Asking for Help
The multi-purpose phrase "Sumimasen" can mean "Excuse me," "Pardon," or "Sorry," making it a great opener for most interactions. When you're in need of assistance, "Tetsudatte kudasai" (Help please) will come in handy.
Locating Places and Transportation
"** wa doko deska?" (Where is __**) is your go-to phrase for locating anything. Replace the blank with "Densha" (Train), "Shinkansen" (Bullet train), or "Chikatetsu" (Subway / Metro). For example, "Shinjuku no chikatetsu wa doko desu ka?" (Where is the Shinjuku metro?) or "Sumimasen, chikatetsu wa doko desu ka?" (Excuse me, where is the metro?).
Purchasing Tickets and Choosing Trains
Buy your ticket with "Kippu" (Ticket), and if unsure about which train to take, ask "Dono densha?" (Which train?).
Directions and Destinations
Give directions to a taxi driver with "_-eki made onegaishimas" (To ____ station please) or "Koko made onegaishimas" (Take me here please). Express your desire to go somewhere with " ni ikitai" (I want to go to ____).
Navigation Instructions
Use "Hidari ni" (To the left), "Migi ni" (To the right), or "Massugu itte" (Go straight) to get or give directions. Signal your destination with "Tomete kudasai" (Stop here please).
Ask for prices with "Ikura deska?" (How much?). This is useful not just for transportation, but shopping, dining, and more.
Armed with these phrases, you're now ready to navigate the bustling streets and beautiful landscapes of Japan with ease. Happy travels!