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30 Japanese Phrases for Going Out

Heading image of 30 Japanese Phrases for Going Out

There's no denying that Tokyo, Japan's bustling capital, has a nightlife that can rival any city in the world. Whether you're exploring the neon-lit streets of Shinjuku, enjoying the high-end clubs of Roppongi, or diving into a packed izakaya for a beer, communication is key. So, let's gear up for an unforgettable night out in Tokyo with these 30 essential Japanese phrases!

Intros and Basic Conversation

Kick off any interaction by introducing yourself, "Konnichiwa, watashi wa __ desu" (Hey, I'm __). Get to know others by asking "O-namae wa nan desu ka" (What's your name?) or "Ogenki desu ka?" (How are you?).

Respond with "Genki desu, arigato!" (I'm good, thanks!) and don't forget to say "Hajimemashite!" (Nice to meet you!).

Hey, I’m __
Konnichiwa, watashi wa __ desu
こんにちわ、わたし は __ です
What’s your name?
O-namae wa nan desu ka
おなまえ は なん です か
Nice to meet you!
How are you?
Ogenki desu ka?
おげんき です か
I’m good, thanks!
Genki desu, arigato!
げんき です、ありがとう!

Discussing Origins and Destinations

Ask "Doko kara kimashita ka?" (Where are you from?) and share your origin with "Watashi wa _ kara kimashita" (I'm from ).

Curious about their hometown? **Ask, " _ wa dou desu ka?" (What is city like?) or "_** wa doko desu ka?**" (Where is city?).

If you suspect someone is local, ask "Anata wa Tokyo kara desu ka?" (Are you from Tokyo?).

Where are you from?
Doko kara kimashita ka?
どこ から きました か
I’m from ____
Watashi wa __ kara kimashita
わたし は __ から きました
What is __ like?
__ wa dou desu ka?
__ は どう です か
Where is __?
__ wa doko desu ka?
__ は どこ です か
Are you from Tokyo?
Anata wa Tokyo kara desu ka?
あなた は とうきょう から です か

Exclaiming Excitement

Express your admiration for the dazzling city or a breathtaking view with a simple "Sugoii!" (Cool!). If you notice something cute, like a Pokemon plushie or smile-shaped cake, point and say, “**************Kawaii desu!”.**************

As the night grows long and stomachs start to rumble, declare "Onaka ga sukimashita" (I'm hungry) and suggest "Ramen ni ikimashou!" (Let's get ramen).

I’m hungry
Onaka ga sukimashita
おなか が すきました
Let’s get ramen!
Ramen ni ikimashou!
らーめん に いきましょう!
(idiom) Mh, mh, that’s right
Sō... sō... sō desne
そう… そう… そう ですね

Nightlife Plans and Preferences

Propose getting a drink with "Nomimashou!" (Let's get a drink), or if you're feeling the vibe, suggest to hit the dance floor — "Odorou!" (Let's dance!).

Discover your friends' preferences with "Nani wo nomitai desu ka?" (What do you want to drink?), "____ ga suki desu ka?" (Do you like ____?), or even "Karaoke ga suki desu ka?" (Do you like karaoke?).

If you're a sake enthusiast, find kindred spirits with "Sake ga suki desu ka?" (Do you like sake?).

Let’s get a drink!
Let’s dance
What do you want to drink?
Nani wo nomitai desu ka?
なに を のみたい です か
Do you like sake?
Sake ga suki desu ka?
さけ が すき です か
Do you like __?
__ ga suki desu ka?
__ が すき です か
Do you like karaoke?
Karaoke ga suki desu ka?
からおけ が すき です か

Ordering and Recommending

Feel confident ordering your drinks in Japanese: "Sumimasen, sake hitotsu to Kirin beeru hitotsu kudasai" (Excuse me, one sake and one Kirin beer please).

Look for local recommendations with "Osusume wa arimasu ka?" (Do you have recommendations?), or specifically ask "Osusume no kankou spotto wa arimasu ka?" (Do you have recommendations where I should visit?).

Copy code

Excuse me, one sake and one Kirin beer please.
Sumimasen, sake hitotsu to Kirin beeru hitotsu kudasai
すみません、さけ ひとつ と きりん びーる ひとつ ください
Do you have recommendations?
Osusume wa arimasu ka?
おすすめ は あります か?
Do you have recommendations where I should visit?
Osusume no kankou spotto wa arimasu ka?
おすすめ の かんこう すぽっと は あります か?

Getting to Know Tokyo

Understand the local taste by asking "Nihon no ichiban oishii tabemono wa nani desu ka?" (What's the best food in Japan?) and "Tokyo no tabemono wa sugoi desu ne?" (The food in Tokyo is amazing, isn't it?).

Find the most happening spots with "Tokyo de ichiban suki na kurabu wa nani desu ka?" (What's your favorite club in Tokyo?) or "Tokyo de ichiban suki na eria wa doko desu ka?" (What's your favorite area in Tokyo?).

What’s the best food in Japan?
Nihon no ichiban oishii tabemono wa nani desu ka?
にほん の いちばん おいしい たべもの は なに です か?
The food in Tokyo is amazing, isn’t it?
Tokyo no tabemono wa sugoi desu ne?
とうきょう の たべもの は すごい です ね?
What’s your favorite club in Tokyo?
Tokyo de ichiban suki na kurabu wa nani desu ka?
とうきょう で いちばん すき な くらぶ は なに です か?
What’s your favorite area in Tokyo?
Tokyo de ichiban suki na eria wa doko desu ka?
とうきょう で いちばん すき な えりあ は どこ です か?

Regulars and First Timers

Ask if someone is a regular with "Yoku koko ni kimasu ka?" (Do you come here often?) and share your experience with "**__ / Koko / Kono kurabu ni kuru no wa hajimete desu**" (This is my first time in **__** / here / this club).

Do you come here often?
Yoku koko ni kimasu ka?
よく ここ に きます か?
This is my first time in __ / here / this club
__ / Koko / Kono kurabu ni kuru no wa hajimete desu
__ / ここ / この くらぶ に くる の は はじめて です

Fake it ‘til you make it

A key part of sounding like a native is using little interjections and filler words. Give the impression that you know way more Japanese than you do.

When talking and needing some time to think, say “anno…”. This will be your go-to Japanese filler word.

When listening to your new friend talk, nod in a genuinely Japanese way with "sō... sō... sō desne" (Mhm, mhm, that's right).

Armed with these phrases, you'll be able to connect more deeply with Tokyo's vibrant nightlife and the people who make it special. So, put on your best fit, brush up on these phrases, and get ready for an unforgettable Tokyo night!

Keywords: Japanese Phrases, Tokyo Nightlife, Essential Phrases, Tokyo Adventure, Language Learning, Going Out in Tokyo, Meeting Locals in Tokyo, Japan Travel.